What if all of this were happening perfectly?
What would it feel like for you if you knew that everything in your world was exactly as it should be? How would your outlook alter if you knew that every situation presented to you was exactly as it should be and exactly what you need? What if the struggles you are experiencing are absolutely perfect for your highest evolution? What if the challenges you are facing are exactly what you need to move forward and evolve past the patterns of the past and take you to the next level of your existence? How would life change if you knew that there were no such thing as ‘good’ and ‘bad’ experiences and in fact, everything was and is just that – experience. What if nothing needs to change? Really consider this possibility… NOTHING NEEDS TO CHANGE.
This is an interesting perspective to hold and one that is actually the truth.
I would bet it would be a bit of a relief! You could breathe in this space and there would be a feeling of letting go in the knowledge that you do not need to control all areas of your life and therefore the outcome. There would be a place of rest, where you could simply ‘be’ and trust that all that is required of you are your best efforts and that life will take care of the rest – the outcome is not up to you. There would be no more struggle. You could rest easy in the knowledge that everything is all, all right, even if on the outside the packaging looks a little dubious!
For many of us, this is a huge shift in perspective. We have spent years attempting to ‘push the river upstream’, manipulating others and situations so we may have it ‘our way’. We have felt a need to ‘do it all’ and take responsibility for far more than is required of us. To really consider that in fact, life is supporting us and has our back is a stretch for many of us and is somewhat outside of our experience. We have not been taught this way of being; In fact for many of us, we have been taught the opposite – that we must be in continual ‘doing’ mode, that to let go will result in our world collapsing. The opposite is actually true, to let go of juggling a million different balls will allow the energy of life to flow in and through us. In our impatience for the outcome and in our fear of being unable to see the results of our efforts immediately, we thwart this energy and we become static. There is no room for anything new to flow in whilst our energy and focus is rooted in the past, in fear and spread thinly across so many different activities as we muddle through our ‘to do’ list, heads down, racing to complete our tasks, when at last we are able to breathe a sigh of relief at the end of the day. Inside of our fear of taking our eye off the ball(s) we have been blocking the flow from entering and supporting us, blocking ideas and creativity to move into the foreground, whilst having an experience of ‘ground hog day’ with the same patterns showing up. How can anything new come in? We have left no room. It is no wonder we are so tired – what an exhausting way to live!
Great news – there is an alternative! There is a solution to this continual loop, we have the ability to hop off of the conveyer belt! A shift in perspective is a very powerful tool indeed and one that is absolutely crucial and necessary if we are to really embrace our lives fully and come to a place of rest and surrender. We must come to see ourselves as a part of the whole. We see that the people in our lives and the situations we encounter are here to teach us necessary lessons about ourselves and our lives and that in fact, even when we encounter difficulties, whether it be in the work place, within our relationships, internal struggles etc we look to them as pointers, arrows leading us to the lessons we most need to learn. We cannot control others or situations, we can only control the way we are in the face of what happens to us and choosing to change our behaviours, our attitudes to what comes our way will change our experience. This difference will make all the difference. For truly, everything in our lives is all, all right. The choice is ours.
Will we choose to buy into a disappointment and make it mean something negative about ourselves or will we choose to see it for the gift that it is, for the opportunity we have been presented with to move ourselves past our past conditioning and patterning? There is true power in this shift in perspective. Instead of control in our attempt to avoid these feelings of disappointment, in allowing what is to simply be, we are able to see the growth presented in any situation as we come to know that disappointment is a natural way of life – it cannot be avoided but we can change who we are in the face of it and by making this change, together with a letting go of the outcome, we are able to embrace life and more importantly, embrace ourselves.
“Search for the seed of good in every adversity. Master that principle and you will own a precious shield that will guard you well through all the darkest valleys you must traverse. Stars may be seen from the bottom of a deep well, when they cannot be discerned from the mountaintop. So will you learn things in adversity that you would never have discovered without trouble. There is always a seed of good. Find it and prosper.” ~Og Mandino
“Instead of seeing the rug being pulled from under us, we can learn to dance on a shifting carpet” Thomas F. Crum