You are an acorn… give life permission to work it’s magic.
Do you know that there’s a whole other level of your life just waiting for you to say yes to it? That there’s a totally different experience for you on offer, if you’d just give it permission to manifest.
We live in a world of abundance and miracles. I hear that’s not what we’ve been taught, but regardless, it’s true. The force that created the world didn’t finish the job and stop the magic right there. The creative genius that materialised this earth plane is constantly wanting to create more… for you, with you, through you. We may wonder then, if this is so, why are we not experiencing this inside of our reality? If all the dreams you hold are well within reach and truly possible, why are you still living the same version of life that’s making you want to take a running jump?!
It’s really quite simple – life needs us to cooperate in order to create.
Think about it – you could not walk through a closed door no matter how desperate you were to get to the other side – so too, life wants us to experience the magic on the ‘other side’ but cannot help us if we’re shut down and ‘closed for business’. We are creators, creating with our thoughts and if we’re walking around with limiting thought processes – I couldn’t, I can’t, I shouldn’t, I’m not good enough, smart enough, pretty enough (insert your very own limiting belief here!), maybe it’s for the me in another lifetime… you’re closed… there’s no room for expansion (however much you wish it differently) and hey presto – your wish is granted, you have limitation. Life will support you in the direction in which you’re moving and if you’re constantly projecting ‘I can’t’, in whichever version of negative thinking you’re clutching onto, then you’ve got it – you get the experience you ask for… namely, I can’t.
How can something build through you if you insist on putting the cork in the bottle every time those idea bubbles fizz up? You know the ones – the dreams you label as too extreme, the fantasies of possibility that you shrug off as impossibilities, the visions you hold for yourself that feel too ‘out there’ – starting the cafe you’ve dreamed of, taking the chair at the head of the boardroom table, writing the book that’s bursting to be written, starting that creative endeavour, taking the course, sharing the gift that is only yours to give… the list is endless. There are as many unmanifested dreams as there are people… and then some.
The past does not determine the future. Just because one thing has looked one way up until now, it absolutely does not mean it cannot change it’s shape. On the contrary, anything is possible. If you believe it, you can achieve it.
Everything you see around you started with a thought. Everything created by woman / man was a humble little idea popping into someone’s mind – a particular someone who gave that thought the permission it needed to gather momentum and show up in reality. They allowed the idea to move from the formless (an idea) and into the world and take up form – whether it be a career / life choice, gadget, toy, accessory etc. Lucky that, otherwise we’d be eating our dinner straight off the kitchen table if the plate creator had shrugged it off as ridiculous! Or maybe we’d be dining from the kitchen floor if the same thing had happened to the table maker and thank all that is good and holy that Nelson Mandela believed in his vision… you get my drift.
Most of us walk around with a very limited perspective of ‘reality’. We live like the fish in the goldfish bowl, totally unaware that there’s a whole realm existing outside of what (we think) we know and what (we think) is possible. We swim around in our own version of reality and are either totally blind to anything outside of our environment, scared to put our head above the parapet in fear we’d be shot down or disbelieving that change is actually possible.
We are all thinkers with the potential to be…. well, anything! Thoughts have power. And as an aside, so too do those negative ideas about ourselves and the world – we literally see what we expect to see. If you believe the world to be a scary place, you’ll find reasons to feel scared. If you believe people are untrustworthy, you will find evidence to support this ‘truth’. We were not made to simply exist, to survive – we were made to fully embrace life and to thrive. We are dreamers of our dream and the creators of our destiny. What we hold to be true will show up for us.
I will caveat this with a little something… hold your dreams and that which you believe to be best for yourself somewhat loosely. What I mean is, just as the Oak tree already resides inside of the acorn, your greatest potential already resides within you. The acorn doesn’t force itself to grow, it is planted within the most fertile environment for it’s growth and practices least resistance. If you hold firm to only one idea of what you wish to become or achieve, you are again closed to life giving you alternative promptings to move in a direction you had not even considered. Life is constantly presenting us with opportunities to do more, become more – if we’d just have the eyes to see and the ears to hear. The word is ‘trust’. There is a saying – You can adjust your sails but you cannot direct the wind. Simply, accept that there are greater forces in this world than you and move with, not against, life.
In closing, life wants you to be the best you possibly can be. Your job is to get out of your own way and allow it to work it’s magic. Open the door. Notice all the internal negative dialogue you’re holding in your mind and refuse to entertain it anymore – simply let it go. See the magic of life all around you in nature and know that you are part of this – the same force that created the trees, the river and the flowers created you too. Learn from it, give up the fight. The river doesn’t attempt to flow back on itself and fight the current, the flower doesn’t resist peeking up from underneath the soil – they move with the natural ebb and flow with least resistance and allow life to help them flourish.
As an aside, if you’d like to see this miracle up close – take a look at an acorn then compare it to the magnificent and great oak tree. It is certainly something to think about….
One last thing – it’s not just you who benefits from becoming your most grand and awesome self. When you shine, you give others permission to do the same and the world benefits from those glorious gifts that can only be borne through you. So, please, do us all a favour – dream big.
To your evolution!